spaceCenter for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Introduction to Speech Acts

Let us assume that you have been studying abroad at a Japanese university in Tokyo for the last few months. This is your first time in Japan. You have taken a few years of Japanese at a university level in the U.S., and you have always been a pretty good student. You are living in a flat with a Japanese roommate, Jun. You love Japanese animation; in fact that is how you initially became interested in the language and culture. You are a music lover, also. Aside from classes in Japanese language, you are studying Japanese history and international relations. You are sociable by nature, which is why you wanted to have a roommate.

Situation 4:

You read over an English course paper for a Japanese native-speaking friend. She clearly appreciates your help but seems too respectful to you. She repeats, ありがとう。ほんとにありがとね。すごく助かった。Arigatou. Hontoni arigatoune. Sugoku tasukatta.The next time she sees you, she thanks you again , saying この前はほんとうにありがとう。Konomaewa hontouni arigatou. but does not say for what. She leaves it vague. What is she thanking for? Is she implying that she wants you to go over another course paper for her?

Your section (if applicable)/Your last name, Your first name:
Example: 010/Smith, John

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414 |Contact CARLA