spaceCenter for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Exercise 2:Thanks


The parts in redare the thanking expressions you’ve been asked to write down.

A:店長、今週試験が3つあって、レポートもあるんですよ。もっと早く始めればよかった。Tenchou,konshuushikengamittsuate,repoutomoarundesuyo.Mottohayakuhajimerebayokatta.‘Tenchou, I have 3 exams and a paper due this week.I should have started earlier.’

B:君は今週の水曜日仕事でしたね。Kimiwakonshuunosuiyoubishigotodeshitane.‘You have to go to work on Wednesday this week, don’t you?’


B:じゃあ、それは私が代わりましょう。Jaa,sorewawatashigakawarimashou.‘OK, I’ll cover for you.’

A:いいんですか、店長?Iindesuka,Tencho?‘Would that be all right, Tenchou?’

B:学生の本分は勉強です。がんばってください。Gakuseinohonbunwabenkyoudesu.Ganbattekudasai.‘A student’s first priority should be studying.Good luck.’

A:ほんとにありがとうございます。助かります。がんばります、店長。ありがとうございました。Hontoniarigatougozaimasu.Tasukarimasu.Ganbarimasu,Tenchou.Arigatougozaimashita.‘Thank you very much.You saved my life.I’ll do my best.Thank you.’

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414 |Contact CARLA