spaceCenter for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Exercise 2: Observing Thanks in Japanese -1

Now imagine that you are a student and a part-time worker in a convenience store. This is the end of the semester and you have three important final exams and a long term paper to write this week. Due to your bad planning, you feel swamped. A close friend of yours, Jun, goes to the same college and works in the same store. You decide to ask if she can cover for you at work one day this week.

Scenario 1:

Although Jun also has some exams and papers, she started working on them early. She is sympathetic about your situation and accepts your request. You are really relieved to hear response and thank her.

1. Think for a moment what you would say to thank Jun. Write down a thanking statement as you would say to Jun.

2. Now, let’s listen to a sample dialogue between two friends. Observe their language carefully. Write down the thanking statement the first speaker makes to thank Jun.

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3. How is it similar to and/or different from yours above?

See Transcript

Scenario 2:

You find out that Jun has even more papers than you have to write, and that she simply can’t help you this time. You know that the store manager, Nakada-san, has a day-off on Wednesday, and decide to ask him. He is much older than you (in fact, he is close to retirement) but despite the difference in age, you are comfortable speaking to him since you’ve worked for him for a while. Although he has some health problems and gets tired easily, he is willing to cover for you on Wednesday. You feel “saved” and are extremely grateful to him.

4. What would you say to Nakada-san to thank him? Write down a thanking statement as if you were speaking.

5. Listen to a sample dialogue between two speakers. What thanking statement does the first speaker make to thank the store manager?

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6. How is it similar to and/or different from yours above?

See Transcript

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