spaceCenter for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Exercise 9: Tone of Requests

Often speakers talk hesitantly while alerting the hearer as to the upcoming request or while making the request. This helps to create a humble tone.

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Often Also, speakers often show consideration for the hearer by using certain phrases or expressions. This contributes to the humble, caring tone.

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Notice that certain words (such aschottoorsukoshi) are often used to minimize the request and are pronounced emphatically.

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Hints are often used among very close friends or family members so that their tone of voice doesn’t sound too demanding.

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Apology and thanking expressions or the intensifiers (for example, hontouni ‘so, really’) often get stressed to exhibit a sincere tone of voice.

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Note that when someone older in age or of higher status accepts a major request, expressions of gratitude often come with a series of bows!

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