spaceCenter for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Exercise 2: Refusals

Situation 1: Sample Dialogue

The parts in redare the refusal expressions you’ve been asked to write down.The parts in blueare other important supporting strategies that will be covered more fully later in the unit.

上司:木村さん、ちょっとお願いがあるんですけれど。Kimura-san,chottoonegaigaarundesukeredo.‘Kimura-san, I have a favor to ask of you.’

従業員:あ、何ですか。A,nandesuka?‘What is it?’

上司:えーと、田中さんが突然、インフルエンザで倒れてしまったんですよ。だから明日、入れるでしょうか。Eeto,Tanaka-sangatotsuzeninfuruenzadetaoreteshimattandesuyo.Dakaraasu,hairerudesyouka.‘Well, Tanaka-san has suddenly been attacked by the flu.Would you be able to sub for him tomorrow?’

従業員:あー、明日の夜ですよね。Aa,asunoyorudesuyone.‘Well, tomorrow evening, right?’


従業員:あの、実は私、あの、明日の夜は授業を取っていまして、Ano,jitsuwa,watashi,ano,asunoyoruwjugyouwototteimashite,‘Well, actually I have a class tomorrow evening…’


従業員:代われないと思うんですが。Kawarenaitoomoundesuga.‘I don’t think I can replace him.’

上司:そうですか。Soudesuka.‘Is that right?’

従業員:申し訳ないんですけれども、他の人に聞いてみてもらえますか?Moushiwakenaindesukeredomo,hokanohitonikite mitemoraemasuka?‘I’m sorry but could you ask someone else?’

上司:わかりました。Wakarimashita.‘Okay, I understand.’


Hai,sumimasen.‘I’m sorry.’

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414 |Contact CARLA