spaceCenter for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Exercise 10: Simulation Exercises for Responding to Compliments

Situation 1

Today you have chosen to wear an old T-shirt from your university in the States. Your boss at work, a friendly woman in her 40s, notices it.

Boss:あら、そのTシャツかっこいいじゃない。Ara,sono tiishatsu kakkoii janai.

1. You:

Boss:とってもよく似合ってるわ。Tottemo yoku niatteruwa.

2. You:

Situation 2

You go to karaoke with your friends and listen to others singing. A friend of yours sings really beautifully. Now it’s your turn to sing. You don’t think you are particularly good, but when you finish someone says to you:

Friend:なかなか、上手だねえ。Nakanaka jouzu dane.

3. You:

Friend:いやー、うまいよ。練習したの?Iya umaiyo. Renshuu shitano?

4. You:

Situation 3

You go to your Japanese language teacher to ask a question after class. She answers your question and adds that your last assignment was very well done. You are happy to hear that because you really spent a lot of time writing and revising the composition.

Teacher:それからね、この前の課題は大変よくできていましたよ。Sorekarane, kono maeno kadaiwa totemo yoku dekite imashitayo.

5. You:

Teacher:これからもその調子でがんばってね。Korekaramo sono choushide ganbattene.

6. You:

Self Evaluation

Listen to a sample dialogue for each of the situations above.Compare and contrast them withyour dialogues and write your evaluation for each of your dialogues in the box below.

Sample Dialogue 1: T-shirt situation

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Sample Dialogue 2:Karaokesituation

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Sample Dialogue 3: Assignment situation

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Strategies --->

Using an appropriate level of politeness

Response strategies used

Sample Dialogue 1

Using the politedesu/masuform (appropriate for a boss)

  • Downgrading the compliments
  • Offering background information

Your compliments in Situation 1

(Compare your compliments in Situation 1 above to those in sample dialogue 1, and write an evaluation of your responses in the boxes.)



Sample Dialogue 2


  • Questioning the compliments
  • Thanking (accepting)

Your compliments in Situation 2

(Compare your compliments in Situation 2 above to those in sample dialogue 2, and write an evaluation of your responses in the boxes.)



Sample Dialogue 3

Using the politedesu/masuform (appropriate for a teacher)


Your compliments in Situation 3

(Compare your compliments in Situation 3 above to those in sample dialogue 3, and write an evaluation of your responses in the boxes.)



Listen to Additional Example in Situation 1
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Listen to Additional Example in Situation 2
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Listen to Additional Example in Situaition 3
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Your section (if applicable)/Your last name, Your first name:
Example: (in a box) 010/Smith, John

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