Author: Gabriela Nik. Ilieva © 1995-98 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.

ihNdI bolne ke ilye kuz a>y;s kIijye)
� ic] k; n;m Ky; hw suZ;v dIijye)
� �ske b;d bt;ye ik ic] pr Ky; de% skte hw' inMnili%t xBdo' ko �Stem;l krke)

�trn; -to go down
kI go'd me' -in somebody's hands
c!�n; -to climb
/ mRx; l;f. - inn
ph值;@�-hill, mountain
®kn; -to stop
sIi!�y;\ -楼梯
苏%;n;-to dry up

�ic) ses'bi'�t Ek kh;nI bt;ye)
� �s ic] k; Ek idlcSp v,Rn p!�ne ke ilyeclick here.

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