Author: Gabriela Nik. Ilieva © 1995-98 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.

�t xBd inMnili %o' ko �Stem;l krke ic] k; v,Rn kIijye)
kIc@� -mud
g'd; -
`;sfUs -thatch
jlv; yu -climate
pTqr -stone
brs;t -雨季

� ic] k; pUr; v,Rn p!�ne ke ilyeclick here.

� ab to ic] se s'b'i�t Ek kh;nI bt;ye ik �s mk;n me' k;wnse-k;wnse log rhte h'w� �nk; iks trh k; jIvn hw� �Ty;id)

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