Author: Gabriela Nik. Ilieva © 1995-98 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.

ic] ko de%kr inMnili%t xBdo' ko �Stem;l krke %;lI Sq;n .irye�

�smy-sUcI�.I@�——。@� /;imRk� smZ� relve S$exn� g;@�I� p;s me'�

1 yh iksI g;\v ke____________k; �Xy hw)
2 yh;\ pr k;fI____________hw)
3 log iksI____________k; î'tj;r kr rhe hw')
4 yh x;yd iksI____________Tyoh;r k; smy hw îs ilE b�t Jy;d; .I@� hw)
5____________jo $I S$;l bn;y; �a; hw yh;\ se log c;y a;wr n;Xt; %rId skte hw')
6 pIle %'.o' kI dono' trf do bo@R lge hw' jo____________bt;te hw' - k;wnsI relg;@�I iks smy kh;\ se a;EgI� k;wnsI relg;@�I iks smy kh;\ pr j;EgI a;wr iks trf se hote �E j;EgIe)
7 jo log p!�e-il%e nhI' hw' agr kuz____________我“覆盖”;你们要pUz skte hw”)

� ic] k; pUr; v,Rn p!�ne ke ilyeclick here.

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