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Archived Content from Conference Held in October 2004

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2004 Immersion Conference: Pathways to Bilingualism

Pre-Conference Workshops

Developing a K-12 Language Curriculum Framework: A Critical Component to Building Proficiency in Immersion

Thursday, 9 - Noon, Nolte Room

Michael Bacon, Immersion Education Coordinator, Portland Public Schools

本研讨会的重点是发展的过程a K-12 language curriculum framework. Faced with challenges of standards-based education, changing curricula, staff turnover, and articulation across 13 grade levels, immersion programs need a language curriculum to ensure that students reach functional proficiency. An articulated language curriculum simplifies curriculum planning and facilitates assessment, thus fostering greater program accountability and success.

Two-Way 101: Designing and Implementing a Two-Way Immersion Program
Thursday, 9 - Noon, Presidents Room

Donna Christian, Director, Center for Applied Linguistics

In this workshop, participants will discuss planning and implementing two-way immersion (TWI) education. An overview of TWI will be presented, synthesized from research conducted by the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL), including extensive information collected from programs around the country. Issues to be examined include goals of TWI programs, key components of effective programs, etc. Video excerpts from TWI classrooms will be shown.

Indigenous Language Immersion: How to Design and Implement a Successful Program
Thursday, 9 - Noon, Northrup Room
Norbert Francis, Associate Professor, Northern Arizona University

Indigenous language immersion teachers face special challenges and opportunities. This workshop will focus on how to plan for and sustain a content-based language teaching program in a language for which published materials may not be available. Participants will examine and discuss language teaching methods and teacher-made materials. We will then discuss what indigenous immersion programs need to ensure program viability.

Integrating Culture, Content, and Language in Thematic Units for the Immersion Classroom
Thursday, 9 - Noon, Alumni Room
Mari Haas, Options for Language Education, New Mexico

This workshop will actively engage participants in model lessons that integrate culture and content with language, including a language arts/drama unit on a Mexican legend and a history/culture unit on Puerto Rico. Through these thematic units we will discuss the teaching strategies and the language planning that are important for the immersion context regardless of the target language. Please bring along a favorite short poem that illustrates a cultural concept!

Listening Comprehension and Oral Proficiency Assessment for Elementary Immersion Programs
Thursday, 9 - Noon, Regents Room

Lynn Thompson, Research Associate, Center for Applied Linguistics

Participants will learn about the Early Language Listening and Oral Proficiency Assessment (ELLOPA) and the Student Oral Proficiency Assessment (SOPA), valid and developmentally appropriate instruments developed by the Center for Applied Linguistics for assessing the listening comprehension and fluency of K-5 immersion students. These tools and their rating rubrics will be introduced through videotaped samples, hands-on activities, and discussion.

Staying Afloat as an Immersion Administrator in the Sea of Public Education
Thursday, 1 - 4 pm, Alumni Room
Chris Holden, Principal, and David Reid, Program Director,
Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion Program, Robbinsdale Public Schools

Trying to keep from being submerged under the constant wave of administrative issues in a public language immersion school is a demanding job. In this workshop, participants will discuss public relations, policy and political influences, school environment, finances, staff development, and other challenges in an immersion setting. Parents and students will also discuss ways all stakeholders can work together to effectively achieve program goals.

Service-Learning and Immersion: A Vision for Youth Empowerment and Authentic Opportunities for Language Use
周四,1 - 4点,总统的房间
Martha Johnson, Spanish Immersion Social Studies and Language Arts Teacher
Highland Park Senior High, Saint Paul Public Schools

这个会话will provide participants with an overview of service-learning and its potential for the immersion setting, followed by discussion and activities designed to determine how service-learning can be meaningfully integrated into immersion classrooms K-12. Best practices for service-learning, the seven steps to effective public problem-solving, and a planning template make up a few of the highlights. Case studies and sample projects will be shared.

Assessment Challenges and Strategies in Immersion Programs
Thursday, 1 - 4 pm, Nolte Room
Kathryn Lindholm-Leary, Professor, San Jose State University

This workshop will discuss assessment issues and challenges in immersion programs and offer recommendations. More specifically, we will examine how to develop a good evaluation plan for program improvement, the types of assessment instruments available and how to select appropriate assessment tools for various program models and students, the role of portfolios and authentic assessment, and some tips on interpreting and presenting assessment outcomes.

Listening Comprehension and Oral Proficiency Assessment for Middle School Immersion Programs
Thursday, 1 - 4 pm, Regents Room
Lynn Thompson, Research Associate, Center for Applied Linguistics

This workshop will introduce participants to the CAL Oral Proficiency Assessment (COPA), a valid instrument developed by the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) for assessing the listening comprehension and fluency of immersion students, grades 5-8. There are two forms of the COPA: Form A consists entirely of a series of situational role-plays; Form B consists of interactive and descriptive tasks as well as some situational role-plays. Both versions and the associated rating rubric will be presented through videotaped samples, hands-on activities, and discussion.

Language and Cultural Revitalization Through Immersion: Lessons from Hawaiian Immersion
Thursday, 1 - 4 pm, Northrup Room
C. Puanani Wilhelm, Hawaiian Immersion Educational Specialist, Hawai'i Department of Education

Can the Hawaiian language survive? Have efforts in Hawaii been successful in turning the tide of language extinction as well as preparing students to make appropriate post-secondary choices? Participants will discuss the issues surrounding immersion programs whose primary intent is to revitalize both a language and a culture. Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss how current educational reforms positively and negatively impact language revitalization efforts.

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414