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Paper Session:A Late Partial Immersion Program in a Japanese High School
Saturday, October 23, 11 - Noon,Room:Campus
Lori Zenuk-Nishide, Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High School
Rani Vivathanachai, Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High School

A late partial English immersion program in its fifteenth year at a Japanese high school will be described by looking at the rationale for program design, distinguishing features, curriculum, and materials development and evaluation. A description will be given of the curriculum renewal process that is being implemented presently. Our greatest challenge, among many, is integrating content and language skills for students entering the program with low levels of English proficiency.

Paper Session:Content-based Language Instruction for Indigenous Languages: A Report From Mexico
Saturday, October 23, 11 - Noon,Room:Coffman
Norbert Francis, Northern Arizona University

This paper will summarize findings from a ten-year research project on the viability of indigenous language (IL) immersion, focused on literacy. Designing a program with an indigenous language as the medium of instruction presents special challenges not encountered in other bilingual contexts. The results of our study in bilingual communities of Mexico show that, while external limiting factors weigh heavily upon planning and implementation, literacy learning activities can form the core of an IL revitalization program.

Discussion Session:Learning the Language (video/dvd): Documentary on Immersion Education in America
Saturday, October 23, 11 - Noon,Room:Presidents
Rachel Richardson, Park Spanish Immersion
Mary Mentzer, Park Spanish Immersion

学习语言是一个视频/ dvd完全生产d and funded by immersion parents. It is an 18 minute highly informative video designed to introduce and enrich your knowledge of language immersion. This resource uses interviews with students, their parents, staff and experts to demonstrate its success and benefits. It covers the most commonly asked questions about immersion education. It can be used as a fundamental presentation tool on immersion in both formal and informal settings.

Paper Session:Making Content Connections through Immersion Language Instruction via GLOBE
Saturday, October 23, 11 - Noon,Room:Faculty
Teresa Kennedy, University Corporation of Atmospheric Research (UCAR)

The GLOBE Program provides the opportunity for integrated language and content instruction, weaving interdisciplinary lessons in science, mathematics, social studies, language arts and world cultures into everyday classroom teaching. GLOBE allows teachers to collaborate across disciplines, provides students with an integrated view of their own learning, and enables students to see interconnections among the various subjects they study. End result: Student behave as scientists and mathematicians, communicating in the languages they are studying and connecting all content disciplines in the school.

Paper Session:School-Home Interactive Curriculum Development
Saturday, October 23, 11 - Noon,Room:Regents
Peggy Morrison, Center for Language Minority Education and Research, California State University-Long Beacah

This report describes work of a team of six first grade teachers in a 90:10 dual immersion program over a six year period. Through an evolving model of structured collaboration, the teachers articulated and implemented a program and curriculum tailored to meet the specific needs of the students they served, incorporating conceptual elements of critical pedagogy, a standards-based instructional system and home-school interaction. The collective empowerment of educators and families supports dual immersion goals.

Paper Session:Your Immersion Program's Growth or Death? What will happen?
Saturday, October 23, 11 - Noon,Room:Northrup
Nicole Boudreaux, Lafayette School District

Comparison between successful and less successful French immersion programs in Louisiana leads to an analysis of several key elements for the healthy growth of a foreign language immersion program, e.g, program model, design, long-term planning, location, personnel, etc. Lessons learned by administrators of several of these programs in the past 20 years are linked to those taught by foreign language immersion research and are summarized, then open to discussion.

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414