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Discussion Session:Documenting the Hawaiian Immersion Story
星期六,10月23日下午2:30 - 3:30Room:Presidents
Puanani Wilhelm, Hawai'i Department of Education

E Ola Ka ōlelo Hawai'i, winner of the 1997 Golden Maile Award and the 1996 PrimeCo Hawai'i Audience Award, is a 28-minute documentary film. Founding members and others tell the story of the formation of the Hawaiian immersion Pūnana Leo preschools with rare archival footage, interviews and visits to immersion classrooms. View this film and participate in a follow-up discussion on immersion education in Hawai'a with Pua, a former immersion teacher and Educational Specialist for the state of Hawai'i.

Paper Session:Home Literacy and Early French Immersion
星期六,10月23日下午2:30 - 3:30Room:Coffman
Pierre Cormier, Université de Moncton
Susie Francoeur , Oromocto Elementary School
Stéphanie Thibodeau, École de Psychologie, Université Moncton

这s paper provides an empirical examination of the role of the home environment to learning in French immersion. It is based on the view that home experience distinguishes itself into literacy and print-related activities which have each their specific targets in reading development. The study was carried in a context where parents can only offer a monolingual stimulation. Discussion of the findings will highlight what parents, even monolingual ones, can do for bilingual education.

Paper Session:Late Immersion Pedagogy in a Low Interaction Environment
星期六,10月23日下午2:30 - 3:30Room:Campus
Philip Hoare, Hong Kong Institute of Education

这s paper reports a study of how English late immersion teachers in Hong Kong work within a low interaction Confucian-heritage classroom environment. The strategies which teachers adopt result in content learning but do not demand the active language use required for second language learning, which consequently may not occur. The paper discusses implications for immersion education and suggests how teachersí overwhelming focus on content might be harnessed to enhance second language learning.

Discussion Session:Minnesota Advocates for Immersion Network (MAIN): A Forum for Regional Collaboration
星期六,10月23日下午2:30 - 3:30Room:Regents
Kimerly Miller, American Council of Immersion Education/L'Etoile du Nord French Immersion
Diane Tedick, University of Minnesota
Shannon Peterson, Lakes International Language Academy
David Reid, Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion
Isabelle Punchard, Edina Public Schools K-12

Minnesota Advocates for Immersion Network (MAIN) is a consortium of teachers, administrators, and teacher educators from immersion schools and the University of Minnesota who meet during the academic year at schools in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. The monthly meetings serve as a forum for participants to share ideas, work collaboratively on problem solving, pool resources to create staff development opportunities across school districts, and strategize about statewide advocacy for immersion education issues.

Paper Session:Oral Language Use in Two-way Immersion Classrooms
星期六,10月23日下午2:30 - 3:30Room:Alumni
Susan Ballinger, McGill University

这s study examines two-way immersion students' use of Spanish and English with their teachers and peers at a U.S. school. First-, third-, and eighth-grade students were observed, interviewed, and given questionnaires to determine what factors influenced their language of choice and their divergence from the language of instruction. Findings indicate that potential influences are language background, culturally relevant teaching activities, absence of native English speakers and presence of Spanish-dominant newcomers.

Paper Session:Using Centers to Develop the Four Modalities in Primary Immersion
星期六,10月23日下午2:30 - 3:30Room:贝蒂
Jaime Miller, Normandale French Immersion School

Participants will learn how to develop, manage and successfully implement reading, writing, math and speaking centers in their immersion classrooms to help their students improve and maintain their receptive (listening, reading) and expressive (speaking, writing) language skills. Specific examples from a grade 2 full French immersion classroom will be shared.

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414