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Archived Content from ConferenceHeld in October 2016
Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education

Exhibiting at the 2016 Immersion and Dual Language Education Conference

This conference is being hosted by the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota and will be Held in October 2016October 2016downtown Minneapolis at the spectacular Hyatt Regency Hotel. Exhibit tables will be organized in the Great Lakes Promenade, a central area adjacent to the Great Lakes Ballroom where plenaries and lunches will be held. The Promenade will also house the morning and afternoon coffee service on both days of the conference. See picture below.

Target Audience—Immersion and Dual Language Educators & ScholarsExhibit Space

Exhibits should offer materials and services related to PreK–16 immersion and dual language teaching as well as texts and resources for immersion/dual language researchers and teacher educators. Content materials (math, social studies, science, language arts) in non-English languages as well as professional development materials for immersion teachers are welcome.

Sponsorship & Exhibitor Options

There are several opportunities to participate in and support this unique conference, either as a sponsor or as an exhibitor. See options and benefits:

Options Table

Download a PDF of theExhibitor and Sponsor Options

Diamond or Platinum Sponsor Opportunity

If you are interested in becoming a Diamond or Platinum Sponsor, please emailimmconf@umn.edu.

Exhibitor Space Cost & Description

There are three exhibit areas in the prime location in the Great Lakes Promenade that will be available as part of a sponsorship package (see above). The exhibit area also has 18 exhibit tables available for purchase. The cost per table is $500. Exhibitor tables include:

  • One 6 ft. x 2.5 ft. skirted table
  • Two chairs and one wastebasket
  • 500年瓦特电气连接
  • Wifi(Note: dedicated wired connection will cost extra)

支付必须伴随应用的展览空间cation (see below for payment information and guidelines). Conference registration is not included in the exhibitor fee. Exhibitors who want to attend sessions or meals as part of the conference should register for the conference in addition to paying for an exhibit table. Conference registration and meals, however, are included in the sponsorship packages listed above.

Other Advertising Opportunities

  • Program Ads:Various sizes available. Must send print-ready PDF to CARLA no later than August 15, 2016.
    • $1,000 full-page (W 7.5” x H 10") B&W ad
    • $500 half-page (W 7.5" x H 5") B&W ad
    • $250 quarter-page (W 3.75" x H 5") B&W ad
  • Inserts: $1,000 per print piece inserted into the conference tote bag (e.g. brochures, fliers). Sponsor must supply the piece.
  • Branded Items: $1,000 per branded item (e.g. pens, pencils). Option to have it inserted or made generally available at the conference.
  • Nametag Lanyards:Two options:
    • $3,000 (Company supplies artwork for logo and CARLA will have it printed on the lanyards. Single color only. Must send artwork toCARLAno later than August 15, 2016.)
    • $1,000 (Company produces lanyards and ships to the CARLA office no later than Sept. 15, 2016.)

Exhibit Diagram Thumbnail
(Click for larger image)
Exhibit Times

Exhibits will be held during the following times:

  • Thursday, October 20,6:30–8:30 pm(during the opening reception)
  • Friday, October 21,8:00 am–5:15 pm
  • Saturday, October 22,8:00 am–2:00 pm

There are no exhibits during the pre-conference workshops on Thursday.

Exhibit Logistics

  • Set up: Exhibitors can set up their tables on Thursday, October 20 (between 1:45 and 3:45 pmorafter the reception at 8:30 pmorFriday, October 21 before 8 am).
  • Tear down:Exhibitors can take down displays on Saturday, October 22 (between 2:00 and 5:00 pm).
  • Exhibitor shipping:Downloadexhibitor shipping and cost information and order form.

Registration Instructions

Registeronlineto become a sponsor/exhibitor/advertiser!

  • All registrations for exhibit tables and other advertising options must include credit card payment.
  • An email confirmation will be sent once your payment is received.

Note: Refunds minus a $100 processing fee can be granted if written notice is given on or beforeAugust 1, 2016. No refunds will be given after this date.

Deadline Information

All sponsor/promotional items must be paid for in advance. Any inserts, ads, branded items, lanyards, and logos for items not received by these dates may not be shared with the conference attendees. Exhibitors should NOT ship to the CARLA office. Only paid promotional items may be shipped to the CARLA office.

  • Ads:Send the print-ready ad as PDF, JPEG, or TIFF to CARLA at carla@umn.edu no later thanAugust 15, 2016.
  • Tote inserts:(Anticipated need is 1000 pieces.) Must be received by the CARLA office no later thanSeptember 15, 2016. (Sponsor must provide the actual piece, not a PDF.)
  • Branded items:(Anticipated need is 1000 pieces.) The company-produced, branded item must be received by the CARLA office no later thanSeptember 15, 2016.
  • Logos:Please send the logo for the conference website as soon as possible tocarla@umn.edu. High-resolution logos for the conference posters must be received bySeptember 15, 2016.
  • 小礼品:
    • Option 1: (Company supplies artwork for logo. This option is more expensive.) CARLA will have the artwork printed on lanyards. Single color only. Artwork must be sent tocarla@umn.eduno later thanAugust 15, 2016.
    • Option 2: (Company produces lanyards. Anticipated need is 1,000 Lanyards.) Must be received by the CARLA office no later thanSeptember 15, 2016.

Shipping address(for paid inserts, branded items, and lanyards only):
331 17th Ave SE, Ste 140
Minneapolis, MN 55414

对于questions about conference sponsorships and exhibits, please e-mailimmconf@umn.edu.

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414