Lesson 02 - Construction of a personal timeline with proving documents

Submitted by Ruthanne Weispfenning


Students will...

  • begin to develop an awareness that they have a history
  • understand how events outside of themselves affected their history as they complete a personal timeline.

Students will...

  • be able to recognize the differences and similarities in their personal histories when they orally present their own timeline to the class.

Language: Content Obligatory
Students will...

  • use new vocabulary for documentation and where these documents are to be found to summarize events in their life using the conversational past tense in the first person.

Language: Content Compatible
Students will...

  • use comparative phrasing to compare the history of a class member with their own using dependent and independent clauses.
  • use descriptive adjectives to summarize information about themselves using their personal timeline as a reference.

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will...

  • use prior knowledge to organize a composition about events in their lives and
  • illustrate in a poster form the main events in their lives for which they can provide authentic documentation.

Time Frame:

2 - 50 minute periods

Materials Needed:

  • Example timeline (produced in Lesson 1) for students to be able to read and follow.
  • Form for a personal timeline with record of documentation.
  • Documentation from home to share with class.

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Students will fill out a personal timeline with at least 4 major events other than their birth. Each event must have a listing for a document that proves the date. These documents must be brought to school in order for students to prove their timeline and for the class to scrutinize further what other kinds of information we may be able to learn.

Students then write a composition describing their life story and present this autobiography to the class in the target language.


Written compostion in the past tense at least 12 sentence long in the target language.

Completed Personal Timeline with documentation shared with the class.

References and Resources:

of documentation (i.e. award) and where these forms of documentation can be found (i.e. drivers license).


注意:一些附件s are in PDF form (getAcrobat Reader)

Zeitlinie Form.docTimeline form for this Lesson 02.

Vocabulary List (Geschichte Abenteuer Wortschatz - History Adventure Vocabulary - Proof documents) for words having to do with sources of documentation (i.e. award) and where these forms of documentation can be found (i.e. drivers license). First used in Lesson 1

Parents' Letter