Más Allá del Lago Wobegon
Lesson 04 - ¿Quién Soy Yo?

Submitted by Pam Harens, Kate Aydin


Students will:
· use descriptive language and personal information to describe themselves
· use PowerPoint program to present personal information to the class

Students will:
· identify and explain factors (immigration, climate, geography) that influence cultural practices, particularly with respect to themselves
·李尔王n about classmates' cultural backgrounds

Language: Content Obligatory
Students will:
· use nationality and country name vocabulary appropriately
· use the present tense accurately
· construct simple sentences (SVO)
· use adjectives and nouns appropriately
· identify oneself to others
· use personal identification and description vocabulary(ser, venir, etc.)
· express likes and dislikes
· report facts about events

Language: Content Compatible
Students will:
· use accurate and comprehensible pronunciation

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will:
· understand descriptions through attention to vocabulary
· use technology (PowerPoint) to organize and present information

Time Frame:

Three 50 minute sessions

Materials Needed:

· Computers with PowerPoint or other similar software (KidPix, HyperStudio, etc.)
· Handout: Parameters for PowerPoint presentation (Attachment 10)
· Handout: Rubric for PowerPoint presentation (Attachment 11)
· Handout: Note-taking chart for student presentations (Attachment 12)
· Graphics and photos provided by students
· Ability to project PowerPoint presentation onto a monitor or screen for the class to see

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Days 10-12

1. Students create PowerPoint presentations in Spanish that describe and illustrate their life stories and family histories using scanned pictures and graphics. Students must include information about the products, practices and perspectives that define them and their family heritage. Students receive a project description (Attachment 10) and grading rubric (Attachment 11) from the teacher prior to beginning work.

2. Students present their PowerPoint presentations to the class. As students watch their classmates' presentations, they complete a chart (Attachment 12) with these headings: student name, ancestry, and products, perspectives and practices. This presentation will be used as a form of assessment for this unit.


See above under "Description of Task"
Rubric - Attachment 11

References and Resources:



注意:在PDF表单(得到一些附件Acrobat Reader)

Attachment 10: Parameters for PowerPoint presentation
Attachment 11: Rubric for PowerPoint presentation
Attachment 12: Note-taking chart for student presentations

Here are some samples of student PowerPoint presentations:
NOTE: if you don't have PowerPoint, you candownload a viewer.
