Checklist for Lesson 4

Formative assessment of this lesson will be done by students themselves and the teacher with a checklist when students present the post-task activity.

Name: ___________________________________



I as a student did:
Listen to the music carefully to trace the scale of Japanese traditional music and compare to the scale of western and modern Japanese music.
Listen to the music carefully to identify the various culturally different root music embedded in the “癒し系:Iyashi-kei; Healing music” and比较文化、历史和地理raphical differences in embedded music.
Use the sentence in Japanese for Asking and Answering questions – “Who do you think ---? / What do you think ---?”; as answers - “I think it’s (Name)’s. / I think it’s ---.”
Understand and use thePassive voice of Verbs such as(あつ)められている(be collected) andよく使われる(be often used).
Understand and use the sentence with Te–form of Verbs +みるfor “Do to see what it’s like”.

Understand the sentences ofCausative form of Verbs:()かせましょう。(will let/have you listen)/聴かせて(くだ)さい。(Please let/have me listen) because I will use them when I give my presentation of my favorite music or music genre later.

Understand and try to use Transitive / Intransitive Verbs:()く/聴こえるfor sentences during the discussion about the root music.
Describe my opinion using sentences, “I think that isAdjective.” “It’s because ---.”
Useカタカナ:KATAKANA for the name of songs, musicians and countries/regions and previously learned vocabulary words and sentences when I fill in a questionnaire, then use to discuss about the root music later.
Collect the necessary information, communicate and connect with its resources and community using Internet sites.
Develop my own reading strategies for challenging Japanese reading materials such as an essay and articles in Internet using my own vocabulary list, some dictionaries/ Internet dictionaries to look up new vocabulary words.
Use my prior knowledge, listening and reading skills to infer meaning of unknown words and writing and speaking skills to complete the discussion.
Write in Japaneseand send my E-mail to my teacher to ask questions and consult about the content of this unit.