Traditional vs. Global Languages Options


This document is a description of the Binghamton University Languages Across the Curriculum (LxC) options for students seeking opportunities to use languages other than English in courses supported by the program. It is an informational document that was intended to help students understand the different environments and level of independent work required in each option. This document can also be of use to administrators and instructors seeking ways to integrate language use, as well as the perspectives and skills of bi- and multi-lingual students, into the curriculum.


Languages Across the Curriuculum (LxC) at Binghamton University began by organizing students, in designated courses, around the target language of their choice to examine course themes and topics. Due to financial constraints, we were only able to have groups in languages requested by 6 or more students. Too often, this left out opportunities for students who had studied or knew less commonly taught languages (LCTLs) such as Arabic, Hindi, Turkish, etc. as well as those students who did not have enough skills in a language other than English (LOTE) to make meaninful use of it in their coursework. As a way of providing opportunities for students with skills in LCTLs and as a way of promoting the intercultulral competence of students with limited proficiency in LOTEs, we developed the Global Languages Study group model whereby students using any language, and/or English, could participate in LxC. The attached document is a Q&A document used to help students determine which model might offer the right fit for them.

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Link(s) to Other Resources

Binghamton University Languages Across the Curriculum (LxC) website

Material Type(s)

  • Program Description


  • LxC Staff at Binghamton University


  • Binghamton University

CLAC Model(s)

  • Empowered/Independent study
  • Infused
  • Modularized

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