The Virtual Picture Album -- Basque Country

The grid below is an annotated index to part of theVirtual Picture Albumcompiled and distributed by theLess Commonly Taught Languages Projectat the University of Minnesota. The pictures in this section of the VPA are of people, places and objects in the Basque Country. Each of the pictures is represented by a thumbnail-sized image in the grid, and is accompanied by:

We also have suggestions for ways to use certainpairs or groupsof pictures.

Due to the number of pictures in this section, the VPA index for the Basque Country is divided into three parts.

Part 1 People and daily life
Part 2 Culture
Part 3 Landscape and scenery

To view or download a full-sized picture from the VPA, click on its thumbnail representation below.

Photo (Thumbnail) Vocabulary Items Topics Grammar Points

customers, waitress, terrace, table, chair;
types of restaurants verbs ukan, izan, egon, modal expresions, adjectives, nouns
Terrace, square, table, chairs; people, customers, ask for, order; adjectives, comparatives, present tense, future tense, prepositions;

bar, client, plate, glass;
food, drinks, people;
lunch time, snack time; Present tense, prepositions, adjectives, nouns

City, buildings, old, stones; historic, traditions, customs, market; adjective, number, gender agreement;

Ancient , walls, people, building, piers, to visit, visitors, century, historic; tourism, historic, architecture; adjectives, locatives;
behind, above, etc.;
past tense, gender, numbers;

to sell, to buy, market, square, gathering ; architecture, historic, location, geography; present tense/present continuos/aspect;

表、奶酪、供应商、买家,奶酪制造商,knife, village people, table-cloth; region, custom, history, geography order, number, noun/adjective agreement, compartive, tense/aspect;
Sunday market, gathering, old men, basque bonet, oil, vinager, food products, City life, festivals, traditions; adjectives, plural, spatial relation, locatives;

view, live in town, social gatherings, competition, win, ; Traditional life, historic; adjectives, comparatives;
Pronouns, number;

vegetables, diet, grow vegetables, types, food products, village life; village life ;
motion verbs, locatives, tense/aspect;
圣地亚哥一天庆祝,建筑,古老的,北京同为r, church, old city, old women;
holiday, visit, tourism;
Religion, celebrations; constructions, number, how many, plural;

garlic market, food products, basque cuisine ingredients, cook, to cook;
Street markets; prepositions

shopping, festivities, vegetable types; Shopping number, adjectives, prepositions, measurements

cheese, cheese makers, farmers, cows, sheeps, rural economy; rural economy; ukan, izan, egon, adjectives, prepositions

rural houses;
courtyard, path, stone, roof;
architecture, history, design, materials number, prepositions, adjectives;

wood work, decorative, flowery, beautiful, structure, direction, size; Architecture, color, pattern, style; Noun/adjective agreement;

folklore, dance, men, women, celebrations; Traditions;
music, musical instruments;
Adjective, nouns, sentence structure;

Gazteziko Jaiak " La Blanca", folklore, dance, men, women, celebrations; Traditions;
music, musical instruments;
Adjective, nouns, sentence structure;

Gazteizko Jaiak " Blusa Veterano Eguna", folklore, dance, men, women, celebrations; Traditions;
music, musical instruments;
Adjective, nouns, sentence structure;

rural house;
light, color, form, line, style, courtyard;
History, rural, tourism; adjectives;

goats, goat-cheese, cheese-maker, land, gate, visitors; tradition, rural economy; number, motion verbs, ;

street, square, people, children, visitors, tourists, residents, weekend; city, architecture, window, balcony,gathering; exchange, talk, speak season; adjectives, number, action verbs, present;

Go out, bar, restaurant to talk to, to talk about, to dance, to eat, to drink, to speak, to play, types of drinks, friends, windows, wood, street, teenager, young, house, house door, street numbe;
Social activities;
Weekend activities, week-days activities
Adjectives, verbs egon, ibili, ukan, izan
Present and Past tense;

To cook, to put, to prepare, to order, to divide, to place, kitchen, to celebrate, diploma, to graduate, Gastronomy-School, students, clothing, cooking utensils ;
Education-Gastronomy-School Gender, number, color, How many? - students;

To eat, types of snacks, " patata tortilla", beer, waiter, client, snack time, happy, hungry, thristy, to smile, to laugh, moustache, glasses, to wear, jacket;
"Hamaiketako"-traditions, customs; Present continuos tense;
Prepositions, adjectives, present tense;

To celebrate, appetizers, snacks, meetings, food, olives, chips, sausage, chorizo, crackers, table, table-cloth, onions, pickles, wines, cocktails, napkins, wine glasses;
Celebration; Adjectives, numbers, quantities, prepositions,colors, gender;

To celebrate, appetizers, snacks, happy, friends, friendship, food, olives, chips, sausage, chorizo, crackers, table, table-cloth, onions, pickles;
Celebration; Adjectives, numbers, quantities, prepositions,colors, gender;

food products, milk products, milk, cheese, yogurt, shopping, diet, urban;
Shopping, supermarket, cooperatives; colors, nouns, verbs (buying, selling);

eggs, farm, chicken, farm products, rural economy, type, size; number, size, type, measurements;
action verbs, adjectives, verb tenses

cheese, types, market; Traditional markets;
subject-adjective agreement;

fruit, banana, apple, trees ; Food products number, adjectives, color;
how many;

rice, beans, garbanzo beans, quality, region, quantity, color, cooking styles, recipes, Food products plural, measurement;
how much;

GRAMMAR POINTSNounsAdjectivesVerbs ukan, izan, egonAdjective agreementVerbs tensesColorsGenderNumberAction verbsPrepositionsDistanceNear/farGeographyNumberHistoric/historicalNumbersHow-many?Verb tensesLocationPrepositionsPastimes/ancientReligion

Grouping Suggestions