LCTL: Task page


THEME: Shopping
TOPIC: Grocery Shopping

Time Frame:

Two 50-minute class period

Materials Needed:

  • pictures of different shops and shopping items (VPA)

  • audio or video recordings of shopping dialogs (VAVA)

  • addresses for on-line food sites (available on our web-page)

  • To be completed

Description of Task:

Learning Objective:

This exercise helps students to get acquainted with traditions of grocery shopping in street markets in the Basque Country and compare similar traditions in America. They also learn vocabulary connected with shopping.


This exercise was created to be used in a computer classroom which allows each of the students to work independently. Students will also need to work in pairs or groups in order to role play.


Prior to the activities, the teacher asks students to brainstorm in groups examples of questions and vocabulary related to grocery shopping they think they need when shopping. Each group is supposed to come with at least five examples in the targeted language. After working in groups, the teacher will ask students to present their examples in class. The teacher can provide feedback when students present their examples on transparencies.Go to exercise

During Listening

Students will listen to two dialogs which contain conversations about people discussing what they need to buy and actually grocery shopping. Activities for the dialogs are set up in the way that students listen to the dialogs at least twice. During the listening students focus on identification of important facts about it, participants, the situation, the general topic.
Go to exercise

Post- Listening

Reading taskStudents are asked to go to on-line shopping sites and do some shopping. They are supposed to choose few articles and get the brand, names and prices.
Go to exercise

Writing taskStudents are asked to use the information they acquired in the web to write dialogs which take place while shopping.
Go to exercise

During Presentation

The teacher will evaluate role-play. Students are asked to present the dialogs they have written in pairs .

Cultural extensions:

    The teacher guides students through discussion about differences on grocery shopping habits between the Basque culture and their own culture.
      Search on the web for information related to basque food products.

      To communicate when shopping

      Communicative Function(s):
      Interpersonal: Making purchases

      Language Structure(s):
      现在时态,Future tense and politness expressions

      Cultural Aspects:
      Traditions, shopping customs, social events

      Writing, Speaking, Listening, Reading

      We are interested in hearing from teachers who have used these activities with their classes. Please contact us with a discription and comments. With your permission we will post these on a LCTL-activities bulletin board, in order to share ideas and stimulate discussions. Thank you.

      ©1999 The Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.

      Go to [LCTL] [VPA] [VAVA] [CARLA]

      Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
      University of Minnesota, 140 University International Center,
      331 17th Ave SE, Minneapolis MN 5541
      Telephone: 612-626-8600; Fax: 612-624-7514;
      Website: //