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Symposium:Code-Switching, Cognitions and Communities: Promoting More Teacher Use of L2
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Alumni
Jean LeLoup, US Air Force Academy
Robert Ponterio, SUNY - Cortland
Mark Warford, Buffalo State College - SUNY
In order to confront the current lack of L2 use by language teachers, this session promotes discussion around three dimensions of the aforementioned dilemma: 1) the research and standards for supporting maximal teacher use of the L2, 2) how pre- and in-service teachers are navigating between L1 and L2, and 3) ways to promote more teacher use of L2.
Paper Session:与基于内容的Instructi教师的经历on: Lessons for Teacher Educators
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Campus
Diane Tedick, University of Minnesota
Laurent Cammarata, University of Alberta
Content-based instruction (CBI) presents many challenges for teachers. This presentation summarizes the results of two phenomenological studies on teacher experiences with CBI: one with foreign language teachers and one with immersion teachers. Emphasis is on discussion of implications for teacher preparation and professional development as well as future research.
Paper Session:Understanding Teachers' Challenges in Writing Language Objectives in Content-Based Instruction
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Campus
Laura Baecher, Hunter College - CUNY
Timothy Farnsworth, Hunter College - CUNY
K-12 ESL teachers often have difficulty developing lesson plans that include
both content and language objectives. Dozens of authentic ESL content lesson plans were analyzed, and a coding tool was developed to readily identify these challenges. From these, considerations can be generated to support both ESL teachers and teacher educators.
Paper Session:Professional Development Partnership
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Campus
Sally Hood, University of Portland
Paper reports on an evaluation study of a dual language immersion program that led to a professional development (PD) partnership in which teachers participate in all research stages. The PD is focused on development of second language students’ oral language through on-line training on the Student Oral Proficiency Assessment (SOPA).
Paper Session:Sociocultural Theory, Concept Development, and Foreign Language Teacher Training
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Coffman
Kate Paesani, Wayne State University
This paper explores concept development in ten university French instructors during a semester-long training sequence on lesson planning. The sequence merges everyday and scientific concepts through collaborative, socially mediated activities. Descriptive data illustrate the efficacy of this professional development project and point to implications for future research.
Paper Session:Collaborative Exploratory Practice for Experienced Graduate Student FL Teachers
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Coffman
Jeeyoung Ha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Qualitative analysis of graduate student teachers' shared experiences in a teacher support group based on the reflective teaching framework "Exploratory Practice" is presented. Findings show how this community, representing four different language programs, can provide a potential interdisciplinary model for professional development beyond teaching methods courses in collegiate FL programs.
Paper Session:Collaborative Peer Mentoring of GTAs: A Case Study
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Coffman
Jack Hardy, Georgia State University
This paper presents the process of and findings from a semester of collaborative peer mentoring between an experienced English language instructor and a novice language teacher. Reflective teaching was used to investigate our pedagogical practices and relate it to our experiences as language and teacher learners.
Paper Session:Paths to Proficiency: NNS Foreign Language Teacher Narratives
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Collegiate
Camilla Vasquez, University of South Florida
Amy Thompson, University of South Florida
In this talk, we examine lived experiences through personal narratives of NNS language teachers. Focusing on individuals' journeys of acquiring Chinese, Italian, German, etc. as an L2, we draw conclusions about "what it takes" to develop the L2 proficiency necessary to teach a language that is not one's mother tongue.
Paper Session:Expanding the Scope of 'English' in TESOL Teacher Education
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Collegiate
Seran Dogancay-Aktuna, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Gwendolyn Williams, University of Nevada, Reno
This paper explores the role of World Englishes (WE) and English as an International Language (EIL) in TESOL teacher preparation. The presenters outline the rationale for incorporating WE and EIL into teacher education curricula and provide practical strategies for educators. The session concludes with an audience discussion.
Paper Session:Teacher Candidates'and FL Educators' Assessments of Candidates' Oral Proficiency
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Collegiate
Mary Ball, Ashland University
A survey and interviews of Ohio FL teacher candidates and teacher educators investigated teacher candidates'success in reaching the ACTFL Advanced-Low level as the candidates neared graduation and licensure. Results showed varied understandings of oral proficiency and its connection to teaching. Official OPI results were obtained where possible.
Invited Symposium:Strengthening Language Teacher Preparation Programs through the ACTFL/NCATE Standards
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Faculty
Rebecca Fox, George Mason University
Nathan Bond, Texas State University
Shawn Morrison, College of Charleston
Accreditation and accountability have been increasingly prominent in national conversations about the preparation of teachers. This symposium will share information about ways that the ACTFL NCATE Standards are strengthening language teacher education programs by providing clear benchmarks and expectations designed to meet high standards for F/WL teacher preparation. A variety of perspectives will be represented by members of the ACTFL NCATE Program Review and Audit Teams; time for questions and dialogue included.
Symposium:Relation in Language Teacher Education and Teacher Development
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Nolte
Bill Johnston, Indiana University
Paula Golombek, University of Florida
Kristen Walls, Indiana University
Tara Zahler, Indiana University
rela本研讨会探讨的确切含义”tion" in language teaching, teacher development, and teacher education, focusing in particular on the teacher-student relation: how it is to be conceptualized, and its place in educational systems. Three empirical and conceptual studies will examine different aspects of relation. Ample time will be left for discussion.
Paper Session:Language Lessons as Genre: Teachers' Discursive Knowledge and Practice
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Northrop
Joseph J. Lee, Georgia State University
This paper presents findings of a genre analysis into (1) the schematic structures and linguistic patterns of second language classroom lessons, and (2) teachers' and students' perceptions of the communicative purposes underpinning the organizational features of language lessons. Implications for language teachers and language teacher education are discussed.
Paper Session:Strategic Mediation in Learning to Teach
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Northrop
Karen E. Johnson, Penn State University
Adriana Kuerten Dellagnelo, Federal University of Santa Catarina
A microgenetic analysis (Vygotsky, 1978) of data collected during a 15-week restructured microteaching simulation project traces three pre-service teachers' cognitive development as it is in the process of formation and highlights the critical role of strategic mediation in creating opportunities for teachers to externalize, reconceptualize, and rematerialize their teaching practices.
Paper Session:Lesson Plan Generator: Lending a Helping Hand to Foreign Language Teachers
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Northrop
Nadezda Novakovic, San Diego State University
Mary Ann Lyman-Hager, San Diego State University
The paper presents the development and piloting of the online Lesson Plan Generator (LPG). The LPG has been developed to assist teachers in developing lesson plans that reflect the adopted language learning standards. It emphasizes backward design in lesson planning, and incorporates assessment as the integral part of the planning process.
Paper Session:Becoming Virtual Professors: A Self-Study of Three On-Line Language Teacher Educators
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Presidents
Keiko Samimy, The Ohio State University
Karen Newman, The Ohio State University
Katie Seyler, The Ohio State University
Joy Zhang, The Ohio State University
Sunyung Song, The Ohio State University
What does it mean to become a virtual professor? How does online teacher identity evolve? And how is it different from one's already-existing teacher identity? Through self-study research, three language teacher educators teaching in the same program, deconstruct their online teaching experiences by focusing on their identity construction and negotiation.

Paper Session:Traditional vs. Online Supervision
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Presidents
Anja Bernardy, Kennesaw State University
Susan Crooks, Kennesaw State University
The purpose of the present study was to assess the advantages and disadvantages of two supervision models: traditional classroom visits vs. online evaluations of video-recorded lessons. Participants were teacher candidates completing a two-semester internship, the capstone course in an alternative, non-degree program leading to certification in French or Spanish.
Paper Session:Evaluating STEP T for ELLs' Online Teacher Training Program
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Presidents
Hye-Sook Lee, University of Maryland - Baltimore County
The focus of this study is to evaluate an online course Teaching Social Studies to ELLs. The researcher will present the results of the qualitative data based on participant interviews and discuss whether participants found the training to help them better know how to interact with their ELL students.
Paper Session:Promoting Assessment Literacy for Language Educators: Challenges, Approaches and Practices
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Regents
Margaret Malone, Center for Applied Linguistics
Assessment literacy refers to familiarity with those measurement basics related directly to what occurs in classrooms; language assessment literacy extends this definition to the specific issues of language assessment (Stiggins, 2001; Inbar-Lourie, 2008; Taylor, 2009). This paper explores three approaches to enhancing assessment literacy among pre- and in-service language teachers.
Paper Session:Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Language-Based Pedagogy
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Rotary
Kathleen Ramos, University of Pittsburgh
Results from a survey study assessing pre-service and current teachers' attitudes and beliefs about teaching content to adolescent ELLs through language-based strategies will be shared. Educators interested in increasing advanced literacy development for ELLs will enjoy this session.
Paper Session:Teaching Practice on Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs: A Longitudinal Case Study
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Rotary
Sofia Cota, University of Sonora - Mexico
Elizabeth Ruíz-Esparza, University of Sonora
This mixed methods study investigated students' beliefs about English language learning and teaching at different times during their teacher preparation studies. It also investigated change in those beliefs over time. This research highlights the need to identify beliefs at initial stages of instruction to develop strategies to modify beliefs that are not supported by theory and research.
Paper Session:Changing the Epistemological Beliefs of Pre-Service Teachers of English
Friday, May 20, 10:15 am,Room:Rotary
Derin Atay, Marmara Univesity
This study explores the epistemological beliefs of Turkish pre-service teachers of English, and to what extent these beliefs change as a result of taking part in a case-based teacher education course. Data were collected by means of interviews and written responses to the given cases from six pre-service teachers.

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414