Yo soy el agua

Submitted by Mary Bartolini

Language: Spanish
Unit Cultural Theme or
Academic Content Area:

Science, Language Arts

Target Audience:

Immersion Elementary

Proficiency Level:

Novice High



1.1, 1.2, 1.3






Unit Timeframe:

Five to six 45-minute class sessions

Unit Overview:

This unit introduces children to a number of concepts related to water. First, students activate and build on prior knowledge as they explore various places where water is found (e.g., lakes, rivers, swimming pools). In the second lesson, students differentiate between water found naturally (e.g., a lake) and artificially (e.g., a swimming pool). The third lesson focuses on the uses of water and its importance for human life. Next, students learn about the various states (solid, liquid, gas) that water can be found in. In the final lesson, students learn what people can do to conserve water and care for this natural resource. Throughout the lessons, students are exposed to songs and books about water. The unit culminates with as assessment that asks pairs of students to create a nonfiction question-and-answer book about a specific representation of water. Description of the assessment task with an optional technological application is also included.


The unit will be taught during the last trimester of the school year. By that time students will have been exposed to the Spanish language for seven months in 1st grade. They will be able to: follow directions in Spanish, work on cooperative learning activities, express ideas using complete sentences, ask questions seeking clarifications, express feelings, use the first person singular of basic verbs, use graphic organizers, etc. Students will also have been exposed to particular themes such as natural phenomena and weather, and will have covered topics such as temperature, seasons, only to name a few.

General Unit References and Resources:

This unit was developed by Mary Bartolini for CoBaLTT but then was significantly revised and expanded by Laurent Cammarata and Diane Tedick for inclusion in a publication. The unit is made available here in its revised version with permission of the publisher (International Society for Technology in Education) and can be found in print form in: C. Falsgraf (Ed.),National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) Curriculum Series: Foreign Language Units for Grades K-12. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

Students will be able to:

  • learn to identify different forms of water in nature
  • recognize different uses of water
  • identify ways to take care of water
  • comprehend and use the present tense to form and respond to simple questions and to report information
  • use a variety of learning strategies to expand critical thinking skills
  • develop basic skills in Internet browsing and word processing
  • use multimedia technology to enhance student creativity and power of expression


1 Basic operations and concepts

  • Students are proficient in the use of technology.

5 Technology research tools

  • Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

Web and Literature Resources Needed

General resources:
Chamot, A. & O’Malley, J.M. (1994)The CALLA handbook: Implementing the cognitive academic learning approach.Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Cloud, N. Genesee, F., & Hamayan, E. (2000).Dual language instruction: A handbook for enriched education. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.

Espino-Calderon, m & Minaya-Rowe l . (2003).Designing and implementing two-way bilingual programs. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.

Kucer, S., Silva, C., & Delgado-Larocco. (1995).Curricular Conversations: Themes in multilingual and monolingual classrooms. York, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers.

Nebraska K-12 foreign language frameworks: Challenge for a new era(1997). Lincoln, Nebraska: Nebraska Department of Education

Royalty-free images and pictures for instructional use:

Due to the temporary nature of online resources, some of the web sites included in the above list might no longer be available.

Links or files for unit content:A new window will open for each lesson.

Lesson 01:Yo soy el agua (I Am Water)
02年课:埃尔阿瓜en El五分镍币自然y El阿瓜en el medio artificial (Water in The Natural Medium and Water in The Artificial Medium)
Lesson 03: Usos del agua (Uses of Water)
Lesson 04:Estados del agua(States of Water)
Lesson 05: ¡Cuidemos el agua! (Let's take care of water!)
Unit Assessment