Le Moyen Âge en France

Submitted by Barbara C. Anderson

Language: French
Unit Cultural Theme or
Academic Content Area:

French history

Target Audience:

Traditional High School
Year of Instruction:4

Proficiency Level:

Intermediate Mid



1.1, 1.2, 1.3


2.1, 2.2


3.1, 3.2




Unit Timeframe:

Five weeks

Unit Overview:

学生将探索期间法国的历史the Middle Ages (about 476 to 1453 A.D.). As they learn about major events during the Middle Ages, they will investigate the topics of governance and leadership, challenges (war, famine, disease) and cultural and artistic creations. They will learn about the impact of events, people and works of literature and art on medieval society, and they will address the question of why medieval heroes and artistic creations are still considered important today.


Traditional High School, Year 4. The class is comprised of students who have only studied French in traditional classrooms as well as some students who have completed an immersion program through the elementary and middle school years.

In French IV students use the first half of the textbookTrésors du Temps由Yvone勒纳,向他们介绍法国history from prehistoric days to the end of the 17th century. Before beginning this unit, students will have explored the above questions as they apply to life in France prior to the Middle Ages. The lessons in this unit utilize and enhance the materials inTrésors du Temps.

General Unit References and Resources:

This unit was developed by Barbara Anderson for CoBaLTT but then was significantly revised and expanded by Laurent Cammarata and Diane Tedick for inclusion in a publication. The unit is made available here in its revised version with permission of the publisher (International Society for Technology in Education) and can be found in print form in:
C. Falsgraf (Ed.),National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) Curriculum Series: Foreign Language Units for Grades K-12.Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

In this unit students will:
  • explore the history of France during the Middle Ages (about 476 to 1453 A.D.).
  • learn about major events during the Middle Ages,
  • investigate the topics of governance and leadership, challenges (war, famine, disease) and cultural and artistic creations.
  • learn about the impact of events, people and works of literature and art on medieval society
  • address the question of why medieval heroes and artistic creations are still considered important today.
  • understand and use the present tense and past tenses (imparfait, passé composéandpassé simple) to engage in a variety of reading, writing, and speaking activities.
  • use a variety of learning strategies to extend academic skills


3. Technology productivity tools

  • Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

  • Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works.

4. Technology communications tools

  • Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.
5. Technology research tools
  • Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
  • Students use technology tools to process data and report results.

    Technology Resources Needed

    • computers with Internet access
    • Internet browsing software
      - Inspiration (or other concept mapping software)

    • Multimedia authoring tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint software (or other software with similar capabilities)

    • word processing software

      Web and Literature Resources Needed

      • Barroy, Marie-Hélène et Gérard, (1984).L'histoire de France par les mots croisés.Paris: Éditions Retz, 48-62.
      • Caselli, Giovanni, (1981).La vie privée des hommes: Le Moyen Âge.
      • Chamot, Anna Uhl, Barnhard, Sarah, El-Dinary, Pamela Beard & Robbins, Jill, (1999).The Learning Strategies Handbook.White Plains: Addison Wesley Longman.
      • Gibbons, Pauline, (2002).Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning.Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
      • Lenard, Yvonne (1997).Trésors du temps.Woodland Hills, CA: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 53-66, 82-104. 116-119.
      • Mathiex, Jean (1981). Outils: Histoire de France.Paris, France: Hachette. 19-32.
      • Nembrini, Jean-Louis (1996).Histoire. Paris, France: Hachette Livre. 20-57.

      Links or files for unit content:A new window will open for each lesson.

      Lesson 01: Introduction au Moyen Âge en France
      Lesson 02: Des défis au Moyen Âge
      Lesson 03: La féodalité
      Lesson 04: Des créations artistiques au Moyen Âge
      Lesson 05: La vie de Charlemagne
      Unit Assessment