Yo soy el agua
Lesson 02: El agua en el medio natural y el agua en el medio artificial (Water in The Natural Medium and Water in The Artificial Medium)

Submitted by Mary Bartolini


Students will

  • 区分水在自然中and water in an artificial medium.


Language: Content Obligatory
Students will:

  • Use adjectives natural and artificial to distinguish the medium in which water could be found using the phrasesmedio naturalandmedio artificial.
  • Create subordinate clauses of cause and effect using the clauseporqueand the phraselas personas intervienen/las personas no intervienenorlas personas lo hacen/las personas no lo hacen(for example:El río es medio natural porque las personas no intervienen/ El río es medio natural porque las personas no lo hace; la piscina es medio artificial porque las personas intervienen/ La piscina es medio artificial porque las personas la hacen).

Language: Content Compatible
Students will:

  • Use appropriate nouns and articles (el mar, la lluvia, el río, el hielo, la nieve, la piscina, la niebla, el charco, el lago,la catarata, el arroyo) and impersonal form of the verb haber to name different places where water is present withHay agua en...(There is water in…)

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will:

  • Classify different representations of water and create a graphic organizer.

Time Frame:

Day 2 (one 45-minute period)

Materials Needed:

  • KWHL chart
  • Song chart
  • Color code flashcards for gender (yellow card for feminine nouns, green card for masculine nouns
  • T-chart "Natural/ Artificial": you can draw the chart on the blackboard or draw it on poster board. (see handouts below)
  • T-chart “El agua”: you can draw the chart on the blackboard or draw it on poster board. (see handouts below)

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Preview Phase:

Teacher reviews the past lesson by asking questions like¿Sobre qué hablamos ayer?¿Qué aprendimos ayer?(What did we talk about/learn yesterday?) and by referring to the KWHL chart.

Students sing the songYo soy el agua

Teacher announces that they will learn two new words natural and artificial. Teacher writes the terms in a T-chart.

Teacher explains the differences of the termsnaturalandartificialthrough analogies (authentic hair color vs. dyed hair color; real vs. artificial Christmas tree). This would be a good time to introduce the idea of human intervention (las personas intervienen/las personas lo hacen) and lack of human intervention (las personas no intervienen/ las personas no lo hacen) in each case.

Teacher shows pictures with more examples (a river and a pool, a bird and an airplane, a volcano and a stove) and models how to categorize them in the T-chart by saying why he/she chooses that category (e.g., el río es natural porque el hombre no interviene/el hombre no lo hace[the river isnaturalbecause humans have not made it]). . Students will be asked to share additional examples of things that might be considered natural vs. artificial.

Focused Learning Phase:

The teacher introduces a new T-chart, this time withAgua(water) as the theme and with two columns:medio naturalandmedio artificial.

Students form pairs and receive a pair of flashcards. One with a picture of water in an artificial medium the other with a picture of water in a natural medium.

Students need to present the set of flashcards naming the representation of water and explaining the reason why they identify it as natural or artificial

Expansion Phase:

Teacher leads a whole class discussion as students present the work they completed during the focused learning phase. The class classifies all of the examples of natural and artificial sources of water.


Teacher would be able to check on comprehension of the termsnaturalandartificialby listening to students' examples and by observing how they classify the pictures on the T-chart and explain their reasoning


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El agua