Think-Pair-Share Explanation

This is a relatively simple technique that works very well with content based learning for both the ESL and immersion setting. It can be used virtually at any time throughout a lesson and can be used effectively in a very short amount of time (2-4 minutes). It is highly effective in both engaging the individual thinking process and soliciting extended discourse amongst peers (See chapter 4 inReading, Writing and Learning2005年Peregoy &波义耳和弗雷德杰纳西的文章在tegrating Language and Content: Lessons from Immersion,1994 from Educational Practice Report:11).

When posing a question to the class, ask students to 'think' of a response for about 30 seconds without saying anything. After about 30 seconds have students 'pair' up with a neighbor and 'share' their ideas. Finally, select a few pairs of students to share with the whole class. The idea is to avoid setting up a classroom environment wherein the teacher solicits questions and the students respond frequently using 1-2 worded responses. You can expand on this technique to include quick jotting down of notes during the thinking part which can then also be used as a springboard for writing summaries of lesson content during a reflection time at the end of a lesson or as a written assignment.