Les articles et les stéréotypes - worksheet to help with examining websites and online articles



Describe who created/wrote the website and when was it created/written. If there is more than one website about this stereotype, describe both.

三个事实关于这个刻板印象,你是什么u have learned from this website or these websites (list three no matter how many websites you read)?

Now, do you think this stereotype is a cultural myth, a generalization, or a cultural reality? Why?


Describe who created/wrote the website and when was it created/written. If there is more than one website about this stereotype, describe both.

三个事实关于这个刻板印象,你是什么u have learned from this website or these websites (list three no matter how many websites you read)?

Now, do you think this stereotype is a cultural myth, a generalization, or a cultural reality? Why?