Multimedia Presentation Rubric - evaluation for the multimedia presentation project using PowerPoint or other similar application

Multimedia assisted Presentation project

This rubric builds on the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

NET•S addressed in this project

1Basic operations and concepts

·Students are proficient in the use of technology.

3Technology productivity tools

·Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

4Technology communications tools

·Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

5Technology research tools

·Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

PowerPoint/HyperStudio Multimedia Presentation Project






Use of technology (skills in using software, creating printed output with comments and outline format)

·Students have an exceptional understanding of the technological tools, allowing them to go beyond expectations.

·All the required outputs were produced in the precise format requested.

·Student can easily answer questions about the content and procedures used to make the PowerPoint Multimedia presentation.

·Students have a fair understanding of the technological tools which they used to complete the project.

·Most required outputs were produced although some may not be exactly in the expected format.

·Student can answer most questions about the content and procedures used to make the PowerPoint Multimedia presentation but may falter with some..

·Students did not appear to have succeeded in understanding how to use the required technological tools.

·Few if any of the required outputs were produced and/or they were not in the expected format.

·Student scan answer very few questions about the content and procedures used to make the PowerPoint Multimedia presentation.

Use ofTechnology productivity tools (to enhance productivity and increase creativity)

·Presentation shows considerable originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas were presented in a unique and interesting way.

·Students make excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.

·Presentation shows some originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way.

·Students make use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation but at times they fail to enhance it and seem unnecessary.

·Presentation shows little or no originality, very little attempt at inventiveness.

·Some use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. but these often distract from the presentation content.

Technology communications tools
(using multimedia to communicate ideas better) This is related to the delivery of presentation with multimedia support-presentation skills using PowerPoint

·The PowerPoint slideshow is effective at improving the communication of ideas.

·信息被组织在一个清晰的、合乎逻辑的方式。It is easy to anticipate the type of material that might be on the next slide.

·The PowerPoint slideshow does provide some support to the communication of ideas.

·Most information is logically sequenced though an occasional slide or item of information seems out of place.

·The PowerPoint slideshow does not support the communication of ideas and actually distracts from the original content.

·There is no clear plan for an organized presentation of information.

Technology research tools (Use of Internet to gather supporting resources for the presentation)

·Students have gone beyond minimum proficiency for using these tools and have applied their use beyond the requirements for this project.

·Students have met the minimum proficiency for using these tools and have gathered interesting material that helped them complete their project.

·Students have shown a lack of minimum proficiency in using such tools.Students have failed to identify useful web sites that could support the completion of their project.