Directions - L'exposé final - student directions for the final project

Directions pour l’exposé/présentation

L’exposé final is due on this date: __ / __ / __
Your 10-minute group presentation will take place on: __ / __ /__

We will have two class periods to work on it. The rest of the work must be done at home.For a detailed description of what you are supposed to hand in, refer to the list of non-negotiable items and the rubric for the project.

  • Jour 1 (en classe): explanation of project and rubric that will be used to assess the project, discussion
  • Devoirs - Jour 1: choose cultural myth, generalization, and cultural truth for exposé
  • Jour 2 (en classe): work on exposé/présentation in computer lab
  • Devoirs - Jour 2: work on exposé
  • Jour 3 (en classe): work on exposé/présentation in computer lab
  • Devoirs - Jour 3: work on exposé
  • Jour 4-6: exposé final due at the beginning of class & oral presentations

Here is the structure that your final presentation must follow. Use the following as an outline when planning for and developing your presentation and PowerPoint slideshow:


- define stereotypes and the three categories of stereotypes

2.Première partie:

- give an example of a cultural myth about the French

- give an example where you have seen this myth in the U.S. (movie, TV, books, etc.)

- explain how the cultural myth is related to “real” French culture

3.Deuxième partie:

- give an example of a generalization about the French

- give an example where you have seen this generalization in the U.S. (movie, TV, etc.)

- explain how the generalization is related to “real” French culture

4.Troisième partie:

- give an example of a cultural reality about the French

——举个例子,你见过这个现实in the U.S. (movie, TV, books, etc.)

- explain how the cultural reality is related to “real” French culture


- describe what you have learned about stereotypes during this lesson

- say if you feel that stereotypes have any importance or value in cultural connections

Each member of the group is also responsible for submitting a description of how s/he contributed to the preparation of the PowerPoint presentation (in English).

Guidelines to produce an effective multimedia presentation

Use the following guidelines to ensure that your multimedia presentation is successful.

Making Effective PowerPoint -Overview
Adapted from:Russell, M. A., & Shriner, W. M (2001).Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations: Points to Ponder in Producing PowerPoint Presentation.Online document available at:

Here are some essential attributesfor making effective PowerPoint presentations:


Try to gather the audience's attention on the subject material


Use a dark-colored text with a large size (28 point or larger) and a common font type (Arial, Times New Roman, etc.) Avoid slang, check spelling, and keep the total number of words per slide to a minimum


Simple, light-colored backgrounds work best with dark text. Avoid pictures in the background if possible.


Use a consistent transition throughout the entire lecture. Transitions should be short and attention grabbing. Do not use sound bites with transitions if possible. Old text may be dimmed when new text arrives.


Use color sparingly and for impact. Avoid colors on opposite positions of the color wheel. Remember that a portion of your audience may be colorblind.


Pictures, movie clips, audio clips, etc. can enhance PowerPoint lectures, but use only one or two multimedia clips per page. Text can be used to introduce the multimedia to the audience. Never be satisfied with boring or inappropriate media - make your own if so inclined.

Use these guidelines as a starting point; do not take them as law, and try to be creative.For those of you who would like to go further, here is a link to a website that provides tips & trick to help you use PowerPoint to its fullest:
PowerPoint Tips & Tricks:

Bonne Chance!