Rubric - My Book about Water (English version)

Rubric for My Book on Water

4 * * * *

3 * * *

2 * *

1 *

How do I work?

I always work hard and share my ideas with my partner.

I almost always work hard and share my ideas with my partner.

Sometimes I work hard and share my ideas with my partner.

I need a lot of help to get my work done.

How is the content in my book?

My book has more than five accurate ideas.

My book has five accurate ideas.

My book has four accurate ideas.

My book has three ideas, but they aren’t all accurate.

How is the language in my book?

My ideas are stated in complete sentences with correct punctuation (capital letters and periods).

My ideas are stated in complete sentences with mostly correct punctuation (capital letters and periods).

我的想法与som在完整的句子e correct punctuation (capital letters and periods).

Some of my sentences are not complete and punctuation isn’t always correct.

Do my pictures support the content?

My book has many clear pictures that support the content of the book.

My book has some clear pictures that mostly support the content of the book.

My book doesn’t have many clear pictures that support the content of the book.

My book doesn’t have many pictures and some aren’t clear and/or don’t support the content of the book.