Turkish Exercises

Turkish Vocabulary through Pictures


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1. Shopping on the Street

In this unit, you will see pictures of people pursuing a number of occupations commonly seen in Turkish streets. The nine exercises will help you to learn or review 13 occupational terms.

2. Pazarda

At the Farmer's Market

Imagine strolling through a farmer's market in a small town in Turkey. On the market, you see a large variety of goods but don't know or remember their names in Turkish. The nine exercises in this unit will help you to learn or review 13 goods sold on a farmer's market.


Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
140 University International Center, 331 17th Ave SE,
Minneapolis MN 55414

Telephone: 612-626-8600; Fax: 612-624-7514; Email: carla@umn.edu
Last updated: July 8, 2001