
Pañstwo Kowalescy rozmawiaj± o rodzinnej uroczysto¶ci która siê nied³ugo odbêdzie. W zwi±zku z uroczysto¶ci± maj± bardzo du¿o do zrobienia.

W naszychæwiczeniach bedziecie Panstwo uczestniczyli w ich przygotowaniach.

Æwiczenie 1

Before we start listening to the dialogs and plan the party of Mr. and Mrs. Kowaleski, let's think about the list of things that you/other people do before hosting a party.

In this exercise you are going to work in groups. Make a list of activities that you/other people usually do before a party (minimum 5 activities). Be prepared to discuss it in class.

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The LCTL project created this exercise on 5/12/99.