Topic:Japanese school hot lunch

2-3 Week(s)

Learning Scenario: created byAtsuko Ando, Richmond Elementary School , Portland , 俄勒冈州

Students will view andunderstandきゅう食(school hot lunch) part of日本の小学校power point slide show. (1.2) Students will discuss (E/J) similarities and differences in hot lunch between Japanese schools and American schools while viewing. Students will learn new and reviewed vocabulary. (2.1)(2.2)(1.2)

A pair of students willlog on to a Japanese school lunch site showing various lunchmenuthrough the teacher�s web site. (1.2)(2.1) A pair of students will choose the menu that looks most tasty/bad/healthy and contains how much the menu contains protein/calcium/fat/ carbohydrate each and write their answers on a worksheet. (3.1)(3.2)(4.1)(1.2)(1.3)Eachstudent asks ten classmates what looks most tasty/bad/healthy. (1.2)(1.3)

Students will log on to sites to show both American food pyramid and a Japanese chart equivalent to it and discuss (J / E) differences and similarities. (3.1)(3.2)(4.2)(1.1)Agroup of students who like the same menu will categorize items in the menu into American food pyramid and present the result to the rest of the class. (3.1)(1.3)

A whole class will make survey questions about American school lunch in English and Japanese. (e.g. What was the most tasty hot lunch for you?What was the least tasty hot lunch for you? W hat do you think is the healthiest hot lunch? (1.3) Students will conduct this survey in our school and find out best 5, worst 5 and healthiest 5. , and ask our sister school to conduct the same survey and return the results with digital pictures of each menu via e-mail.(1.3)(3.1)(5.1)(1.2) Students will make a poster comparing the results of both our school and Japanese school to share with the rest of the students in our school.(1.3)(4.2)(5.1)

Text Box: Standards x 1.1  Interpersonal x 1.2  Interpretive x 1.3  Presentational x 2.1  Cultural practice x 2.2  Cultural products x 3.1  Connection to other disciplines x 3.2  Acquiring of new knowledge x 4.1  Language comparison x 4.2  Cultural comparison x 5.1  Language outside school x 5.2  Lifelong learning

Students will make a poster of his/her dream hot lunch menu that contains all thenutrientsand make an oral presentation to describe what contains whichand to persuade other classmates and teacher to think how healthy and tasty your dream hot lunch menu is. (1.3)((3,1)

作为可选的有趣的作业,老师will give a list of sites that shows more Japanese hot lunch so that students enjoy themselves at home. (5.2)