Travel Planning

(Images from Google image search.)

Integrated Skills Packet


Japanese Language

Kathryn Fugman

LCTL CARLA Institute

Summer 2003

Class Setting:This packet is geared toward high school students in their third or fourth year of study.Skill level is intermediate-low.The students readkatakanafluently and have been introduced to basic and topic-relatedkanji.

Topic :旅行 (Travel)

Language Functions with Grammar Points :

1.Telling intentions or plans(-つもりです。 -予定です。)

2.Giving opinions(-と思う。)

3.Introducing things or places(-と言う。)

4.Talking about schedules(-前 -後)

Activities :

A.Entry point :Students will go to the Japan Airlines website to view currently �shown commercials.(Go to click on JAL TV and then on CM Channel.)They will also answer questions pertaining to a specific commercial.The questions in this lesson were developed for a commercial from the 2003 summer season.Keep in mind that the commercial you choose for student-viewing may be taken off the website and replaced with more current commercials.

Transcript of commercial

「バースデー割引 1 2 3 4 Go

(Summer 2003)

BirthdayGirl: 誕生日か。

Announcer:  バースデーには 旅しよう。

BG:  一人で 行くか。

二人で 行くか。



Announcer:  四人まで OK。 お一人さま 一万円。 JALでも JASでも。


BG: だれと 行こうか。

Answer the following questions after viewing the assigned JAL commercial.


1.この コマーシャルに よると お誕生日には 何をしたらいいですか。

2.何人まで 旅行が いっしょに できますか。

3.一人は いくらですか。


1.What word is used for � travel � ?

2.How did JAL come up with name of this travel offer ?

3.Does the birthday girl make a decision by the end of the commercial ?

  1. Reading :Students will glean information from a travel itinerary of a tour package offered by JTB and answer the following questions.The comprehension questions developed for this lesson pertain to a LookJTB Slim tour plan advertised on its website in July, 2003 (Sheraton Special --Hawaii, course #A1050).For other tour plans, go

Answer the following questions and fill out the charts according to the information in the JTB tour package sample provided.

General Information


2.What airlines can you choose from ?

3.Which hotel do you stay at ?

4.What activity can you do using each of the �OLI �OLI vehicles ? (Use chart.)



�OLI �OLI Tram

�OLI �OLI Trolley

�OLI �OLI Sneaker

Tour Plan

1.ハワイに 何時ごろ 着きますか。

2.空港から どこに 行きますか。

3.二日目に 何が できますか。

Meal Plan

1.How many breakfasts are provided forthe five-day trip ?

2.What activities/attractions visits go with each meal plan offered ? (Use chart.)

Meal Plan





C.Speaking and Listening :

Using the tour package information from the previous section, students will work in pairs and decide on the dates of travel, the airlines, meal options and activities of their Hawaii vacation.Each pair will report their plans to the class in Japanese.The listeners will try to figure out the total cost of each pair�s trip using the price table provided in the website description.The listening activity serves as a comprehension check.

Listening Comprehension Check

Pair #

Dates of travel

Cost per adult

Meal plan cost

Total cost

Instructors may also have the students do a role play, in whichstudents take on the roles of travel agent or customer.It would be ideal to acquire an authentic tour package order form used by travel agents in Japan.The following is a simple answer sheet that can be used if a real document is not available.


Itinerary Information Sheet




�OLI �OLIハワイ選択:


D.Essential Vocabulary :






E.Final Project :

Students will create a travel itinerary for a destination of their choice and report to the class with the goal of persuading others to go on the same tour.

Grammar points pertaining to plans and schedules will be used and detailed descriptions of various sights and attractions will be included.Students will research and report on the actual names of the places and attractions they plan to visit.

COMMENTS to:Kathy Fugman, exercise author