Author: Gabriela Nik. Ilieva © 1995-98 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.

dUsre vWR ke iv�;iqRyo' ke ilE a>y;s -
ic]o' ko de%kr bt;ye ik Ky; yh #Ik hw y; nhI' -
ic] nMbr 1

� yh .;rt ke iksI xhr ke b;hr �pngr k; �Xy hw)
� b;� trf hre pTto' k; a;wr pIle fUlo' k; pe@� id%;� det; hw)
� ic] me' isfR Ek a;dmI de%; j; skt; hw) aNy log nhI')
� .;rt me' p;nI kI kmI nhI' hotI hw a;wr log ndI me' j;kr kp@�e nhI' /ote hw')
� ic] me' kuz mk;n a;/e bne �E hw')
� kuz kp@�e jmIn pr ibz;E gye hw' a;wr dUsre $'ge �E hw')

Ëprili%t v;Kyo' ko sunne ke ilye(385K)

ic] nMbr 2

� r;t k; smy hw îsilE l;î$ ke %'.e roxnI @;l rhe hw')
�Ek wKsI r美元;Ste ko p r rhI kr hw; wr Ek dUsrI w美元KsI iksI g[;hk k; î'tj;r kr rhI hw)
� r;Ste kI b;� trf b�t sI k;re' %@I �� id%;� detI hw')
� kuz log pwdl j; rhe hw' s@�k pr a;wr kuz log pg@'@I pr)
� dUsrI trf do Ë'cI îm;rte' hw')

Ëprili%t v;Kyo' ko sunne ke ilye(363K)

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